set temp0= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "117"& QUOTE set tempv1= "set videoName = " & QUOTE & "LEROUX"& QUOTE & RETURN & "go movie "& QUOTE & "TOURS" & QUOTE set HyperTextList = [ #2:temp0] set VideoList = [ #103:tempv1] @ ASPARAGUS Peel the asparagus very carefully in order to remove the hard skin. Tie up small bunches of asparagus with a thread, put in boiling salted water. As soon as the water boils again, keep it simmering. It takes 20 minutes to cook very fresh asparagus. As soon as it becomes possible for a knife to go through the asparagus easily, take out of the water and arrange on a napkin folded on a serving dish. If you want to keep the asparagus hot, cover with another napkin folded and moistened with the cooking water. Prepare the veloutŽ sauce: make a white roux with the butter and the flour, moisten with the cooking water. Cook for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat, add the egg yolks and mix. Adjust the seasoning if necessary. Allow to cool then add the slightly whipped cream. @ 6 2/3 lbs asparagus 1 tbsp salt Sauce : 2 tbsp butter 1 cup asparagus cooking water 2 tbsp flour 2/3 cup cream 2 egg yolks salt, pepper @ 25 mn @ 20 mn @ @ Loire Valley @ Vegetables @ @ Saint-Amour @